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Spiritual Direction

All day every day at the Spiritual Direction Tent

Spiritual Direction is the ancient practice of a “soul friend” who accompanies others on their spiritual journey, helping them to notice, discern, and claim their own experience of God. It is likely that you will encounter the “Wild Goose” in a variety of ways during the next several days. The WGF Spiritual Direction Team is available throughout the weekend to companion folks for spiritual exploration, processing, conversation, companionship, and/or prayer during 45-minute individual sessions. Signups are at the Spiritual Direction tent where there are also self-led contemplative practices sponsored by the Charlotte Spirituality Center.

Spiritual Direction Team

Linda Flynn-Serepca

Leader, Spiritual Direction Team

Team Linda Flynn-Serepca is Executive Director of the Charlotte Spirituality Center, a spiritual and educational institute that offers training of spiritual directors, companionship in spiritual formation and spiritual direction in the Southeast. A seven year WGF veteran, spiritual director and retreat leader for sixteen years, she specializes in Ignatian Spirituality, discernment, twelve step, and the Enneagram. With a degree in Hospitality Management, Linda received her ministry training through the Jesuits, the Enneagram Institute, her certification from the Charlotte Spirituality Center and supervisory certificate from “Together in the Mystery Supervision Program” associated with San Francisco Theological Seminary. A member of Spiritual Directors International, Linda describes herself as a progressive, ecumenical Catholic who values community, non-violence, and equality. Linda is author of the retreat workbook “Praying Twelve Steps With Jesus.”

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Chet Amalean

Chet earned his certificate in spiritual direction from the Charlotte Spirituality Center in 2013 and offers didactics to the students of the CSC. His specialty as a spiritual director is in mindfulness. He most recently completed a 70+ day retreat focused on the technique of devotion and surrender at the Surrender Retreat House in Sedona, Arizona. He brings direct experience from many spiritual traditions which gives the directee a well-rounded approach and connection to their own divinity during sessions. He believes that spiritual direction is to listen with an open mind and heart while recognizing that God is the real director. In his practice, he aspires to be a collaborator and instrument of God’s Love.

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Randy Bell

I am the Director of Spring Creek Spirituality based in Asheville, NC, welcoming all faiths and backgrounds as we explore each person’s individual spirituality using our everyday language. My spiritual path has taken me to many diverse sources, though I am principally a follower of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, Buddha, Lao-Tsu, and have been a Zen practitioner for 40 years. I write extensively on various spiritual topics, including 14 books, 2 blog sites, and various reference materials. I serve as a guest speaker/session leader, lead spiritual and personal growth workshops and retreat sessions, and am a meditation teacher. I provide spiritual direction and companioning, and in 2016 & 2017 was on the Spiritual Direction Team at Wild Goose. I am also a member of North Carolina Writer’s Network and Spiritual Directors International. My personal resume website can be found at Books and publications can be found at

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Lucinda Clark

Lucinda Clark resides in Charlotte, NC where she received her spiritual direction training at the Charlotte Spirituality Center. Lucinda is honored to journey and witness the unfolding of the Divine in those that she companions, as they seek a deeper awareness of self and the mystery of the Divine. Lucinda is a contemplative interfaith spiritual director, respectful of all faith traditions and inclusive of all people. Lucinda is also a Reiki practitioner and incorporates Reiki when desired by her companions. Lucinda looks forward to being of service at Wild Goose.

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Anne Findlay-Chamberlain

Anne Findlay-Chamberlain has devoted her adult life to journeying with people as they seek wholeness. She has a B. S. in Health and Physical, and Masters Degrees in Counseling and Divinity. She is an ordained United Church of Christ pastor. She is a graduate of Ashland Seminary’s Pastors of Excellence program as well as Shalem Institute’s Clergy Spiritual Life and Leadership program. She is continuing her training through the Charlotte Spirituality Center Spiritual Director’s program. She is a staff member of In Christ Supporting Ministries in Charlotte where she works with small groups as well as congregations. In her work as a pastor, spiritual director, and retreat leader, Anne loves accompanying individuals, small groups and congregations in discovering God’s presence in their lives. Anne is married to Rod Chamberlain and they have two adult sons and four delightful grandchildren.

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Sarah DeShields

Sarah DeShields is an artist, musician, mother and Spiritual Director originally from Scotland, now residing in the mountains of North Carolina. Claiming a Celtic Spiritual heritage and a newness to the contemplative life, Sarah can be found holding spaces for the contemplative arts in communities, forming creative liturgies and sacred spaces where the invitation for all is deeply felt. As a spiritual director she has experienced the beautiful ministry of companioning others in their unique experiences, and is delighted to be returning for a third year at the Goose to offer her time as a director.

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Marshall Jenkins

J. Marshall Jenkins, Ph.D., is a writer, counseling psychologist, and spiritual director. Through his listening ministry, Marshall strives to facilitate discernment, graced healing, and everyday spirituality. His writing ministry carries that work forward through his Beatitudes Blog ( and his books, including his most recent one, Blessed at the Broken Places: Reclaiming Faith & Purpose with the Beatitudes (Skylight Paths, 2016). He received certificates in spiritual formation at Columbia Theological Seminary and in spiritual guidance at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. Since 1987, he has served as Director of Counseling at Berry College and conducted an evening private practice in psychotherapy and spiritual direction in Rome, Georgia, where he lives with his lovely wife, Wanda Cantrell.

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Session #351